It’s been very busy for me this month so unfortunately I do not have anything to write about. However, I am introducing my monthly link round-up where I share some of the most link worthy blog posts out there about SEO - I guess that’s my treat.
As for the trick? Well - there is none. I am not putting up any old links just for the hell of it. I passionately endorse these articles because I know I will refer to them again in the future.
Celebrities Killed the SEO Star This is more of an opinion post but still a good read because it’s a different perspective from what I normally see in my feed. As with all things in life, take it with a grain of salt since everyone’s experiences and exposures are different.
67 Elegant, Effective and FREE Website Graphics If you haven’t noticed already, my website needs an extreme makeover and this post couldn’t have come at a better time. You can find buttons, background images, navigation bars, alert boxes and more for your site. Best of all - it’s FREE.
39 Blogging Tips Essential tips for anybody looking to start a blog or want to make theirs better. Of course, if I could achieve even 25% of that I would be happy. I’ll be taking this one step at a time though…
How To Identify Lost Links This blog post is a little misleading because it references Linkscape, MajesticSEO and Google Webmaster Tools but there are no examples of it being used. But no matter because the tool in question is amazing and I use it on a daily basis. I have my own version of the reciprocal link checker for Excel so expect that soon.
The Modern SEO’s Toolkit I wholeheartedly agree with Will’s belief that learning to program just a little will make any SEO’s life easier. I’ve hacked together some pretty simple SEO tools since my Google Docs XML rank checker and I can’t say how many man hours I have saved for more ROI-worthy tasks.
Happy Halloween and stay safe out there, folks!