Do you know who your favorite person on Twitter is? Probably!
Did you ever want to quantify that statement? Probably not!
Are you curious to find out who someone else’s favorite Twitter user is? Now you can with R!
The code below is brought to you by Namita and her hilarious tweet:
face some possibly uncomfortable truths about yourself and others with 4 easy lines of code using #rtweet and the #tidyverse
— Namita (@nnstats) August 24, 2019
Load packages
Get Twitter API key
app = "app_name",
consumer_key = "consumer_key",
consumer_secret = "consumer_secret",
access_token = "access_token",
access_secret = "access_secret"
Grab data
twitter_handle <- "eeysirhc"
get_favorites(twitter_handle, n = 3000) %>%
group_by(screen_name) %>%
tally(sort = TRUE, name = '# of tweets liked') %>%
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## screen_name `# of tweets liked`
## <chr> <int>
## 1 jackiecchu 26
## 2 drob 22
## 3 eywu 21
## 4 DanLeibson 16
## 5 dataandme 14
## 6 CMastication 13
## 7 JHTScherck 13
## 8 lauralippay 13
## 9 DataChaz 11
## 10 nick_eubanks 10
Future article: grabbing the top 10 favorite users of my top 10 favorite users and then creating a network graph to identify strong/weak relationships.